Walk YOUR Way for Autism - Stepping in the Right Direction for Autism


Thank you for showing your support and commitment to the autistic community by taking part in Walk YOUR Way 2024. The event would have not been possible without the generosity of our incredible community, Walk participants, volunteers, Presenting Sponsor: Carson Exports, Provincial Sponsor: Farnell Packaging, and contributing partners.

It was incredible coming together in NINE different locations across the province in-person and virtually to celebrate the autistic community and to continue to build understanding, acceptance and inclusion for Autistic individuals and the people who love them. 

Please see below for key dates and deadlines for fundraising:

  • June 14, 2024 - Deadline for online donations and funds to be brought in to Chapters to be counted towards team and individual goals.
  • June 25, 2024 - Top Fundraisers announced, stay tuned to your e-mails and social! Winners will be contacted directly.

Stay tuned for details on Walk 2025. We hope to see you there!

For more information about our programs and services visit our website: https://www.autismnovascotia.ca/ 

Annual Report 2023-2024 – Action for Equity can be found here


Contact your nearest Chapter for questions about Walk: 
  • HRM: Alyson Greeno agreeno@autismns.ca 
  • Annapolis Valley: Kathryn Burgher kburgher@autismns.ca
  • Cape BretonKristie Marsh cbregional@autismns.ca 
  • Cumberland: Elaine Mazur cumberlandcounty@autismns.ca 
  • South Shore: Chantal Milne southshore@autismns.ca 
  • South West: Jess Stichler southwestnova@autismns.ca
  • Strait Area: Natalie Stevens SA_RC@autismns.ca
  • Truro: Mike Francis truro@autismns.ca
  • Pictou: Kelsey Robson pictoucounty@autismns.ca 

Our Stories

  • Laura
     I am walking for all my friends, family, coworkers and community members w... more
  • Erin
    I am walking for my bonus babe Eden. Eden came into my life last year and has ... more
  • Kalei
    This year we are back for our second "Walk your way for autism". We ar... more
  • Amanda
     I am walking for the first time for myself. After years of being told you ... more
  • Melissa
    We are walking for our beloved four-year-old son, Cooper Dean, who was diagnosed... more
  • Kiana
    This year I am walking to increase acceptace towards those with ASD and raise mo... more
  • Rena
     As a team we are walking to support those with Autism as well as their fam... more
  • Suzanne
    I am walking for my niece Tessa! Not only do I want to support her but support t... more
  • Alicia
    We are walking with family and friends for autism awareness, acceptance and fund... more
  • Mary
     We're walking in support of awareness, acceptance, understanding for the m... more
  • Beth
     For my son Logan and all the kiddos like him. I want to show everyone how ... more
  • Birgit
    I am walking for understanding and acceptance of people on the Autism Spectrum.&... more
  • Kelly
     I'm walking for my sweet 4 year old son Jack and all others that share thi... more
  • Sarah
     I am walking for my 3 year old daughter Daphne and to help raise awareness... more
  • Amanda
    In September my family and I will participate in our first Walk for Autism. As a... more
  • Lisa
     I am walking to support my two boys. Both are on the Autism Spectrum. They... more
  • Angela
    Harrison was diagnosed with autism in the summer of 2021, and Duke was just rece... more
  • Elaine
     Autism has been a part of my life when I was blessed with my wonderful dau... more
  • Jolene
    My son Aiden was diagnosed at 2 with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and he will ... more
  • Mike
     Everyday I see and hear the stories of Autism across our region. Stories o... more